Although this post is not dedicated to GNUPLOT, it can be useful for those working with image files. If you have tried to use the Linux command
convert with
eps files, you will have found that it usually ends in a dramatic reduction in the resolution of your figures, i.e. the next command does not work properly:
- convert whatever.eps whatever.png
This is because the
eps files, as they are vectorial, do not have a concrete resolution and the one used by default in the conversion is very rude. Nevertheless, adding the option
density you can specify the "density" of the resulting
png image in points per inch (I do not really understand what represents; if you do, please leave a comment). The syntaxis is, then:
- convert -density <density> whatever.eps whatever.png
- convert -density 200 whatever.eps whatever.png
I would say that the density is the number of pixels in the png that the converter draws for each inch of the eps images.
ReplyDeleteI am not in a linux machine at the moment, so I cannot check it.
Thank you for your contribution, ABC.
ReplyDeleteUoo! It will be very useful for me, many thanks Dac!